The Hector user group may be able to help!forum/hector-users
Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 3/07/2012, at 7:06 PM, Alexey Shananin wrote: > Hi All, > > We are currently testing our app for performance and found a strange effect. > > We load large amount of data using Hector 1.0-5 + Cassandra Thrift 1.0.9. > > Total amount of distinct keys is 3M. Each key(K) has one composite column(C) > and binary array as value(V). > > We write it using mutator.addInsertion(...) / execute(). > > After some execution time you can see that HConnectionManager holds 800M of > byte[] data which is not eligible for GC. > > Setting -Xmx1500m on client JVM helps to solve the problem but we would like > to run our app with much smaller memory footprint. > > Can anyone please give any advice to fight the memory issue? > > Thanks, > Alex > <gc_root_cut.png>