Yes, I saw LOCAL_QUORUM.  The definition I saw was:

Ensure that the write has been written to <ReplicationFactor> / 2 + 1 nodes, 
within the local datacenter (requiresNetworkTopologyStrategy)

This will allow a quorum  within a datacenter.  However, I think this means 
that if availability zones are racks, that the quorum would still be across 
availability zones.


On Jul 3, 2012, at 9:22 AM, Robin Verlangen wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I'm not sure about all your questions, however you should take a look at 
> LOCAL_QUORUM for your question about consistency level reads/writes.
> 2012/7/3 Michael Theroux <>
> Hello,
> We are currently running a web application utilizing Cassandra on EC2.  Given 
> the recent outages experienced with Amazon, we want to consider expanding 
> Cassandra across availability zones sooner rather than later.
> We are trying to determine the optimal way to deploy Cassandra in this 
> deployment.  We are researching the NetworkTopologyStrategy, and the 
> EC2Snitch.  We are also interested in providing a high level of read or write 
> consistency,
> My understanding is that the EC2Snitch recognizes availability zones as 
> racks, and regions as data-centers.  This seems to be a common configuration. 
>  However, if we were to want to utilize queries with a READ or WRITE 
> consistency of QUORUM, would there be a high possibility that the 
> communication necessary to establish a quorum, across availability zones?
> My understanding is that the NetworkTopologyStrategy attempts to prefer 
> replicas be stored on other racks within the datacenter, which would equate 
> to other availability zones in EC2.  This implies to me that in order to have 
> the quorum of nodes necessary to achieve consistency, that Cassandra will 
> communicate with nodes across availability zones.
> First, is my understanding correct?  Second, given the high latency that can 
> sometimes exists between availability zones, is this a problem, and instead 
> we should treat availability zones as data centers?
> Ideally, we would be able to setup a situation where we could store replicas 
> across availability zones in case of failure, but establish a high level of 
> read or write consistency within a single availability zone.
> I appreciate your responses,
> Thanks,
> -Mike
> -- 
> With kind regards,
> Robin Verlangen
> Software engineer
> W
> E
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