This happened to me as well. RUNNING THAT COMMAND FIXED THE PROBLEM!


On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 11:11 PM, Mina Naguib
<> wrote:
> Hi folks
> Our cassandra (and other java-based apps) started experiencing extremely high 
> CPU usage as of 8pm eastern time (midnight UTC).
> The issue appears to be related to specific versions of java + linux + ntpd
> There are many solutions floating around on IRC, twitter, stackexchange, LKML.
> The simplest one that worked for us is simply to run this command on each 
> affected machine:
> date; date `date +"%m%d%H%M%C%y.%S"`; date;
> CPU drop was instantaneous - there was no need to restart the server, ntpd, 
> or any of the affected JVMs.

David Daeschler

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