
I'm using version 1.1.1. I'm sorry about the lack of information, i don't
have stacktraces, nothig crash, just return empty, i explain, i do login as
usual, find in db if there is a user named X and who belongs to client Y,
if that is true i return the hash of password from db and do my checks.

Sometimes, after a reboot, the login stops work, debug say cassandra is
returning empty, can't find the same user named X who belongs to client Y,
i take a look into db with cassandra-cli and data is there and looks fine
but cassandra can't find it.

I drop user columfamily and then i create the same columnfamily and fill
with same data and login works again.

I talk with my buddy who have his own develop environment and same strange
behavior happend sometimes, always after machine halt. We work with oracle
java, i'm using debian testing and phpcassa as client.

Did you see something like that before? Suggestions for debug?

Juan Ezquerro LLanes <Sofistic Team>

Telf: 618349107/964051479

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