The code is processing the file name, without the path and appears to be 

Can you show the full error (including any other output) and the directory / 
files you are running the bulk load against when in windows ?

Bulk load expects


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 19/06/2012, at 3:13 AM, Nury Redjepow wrote:

> Okay,  we investigated the problem and found the source of proble in package 
> public class Descriptor
> public static Pair<Descriptor,String> fromFilename(File directory, String 
> name)
> {
> // tokenize the filename
> StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name, String.valueOf(separator));
> String nexttok;
> if bulkloader running from windows and cassandra running under Ubuntu, 
> directory is 
> ("KeySpaceName\\ColumnFamilyName\\KeySpaceName-ColumnFamilyName-hc-177-Data.db"
> so at next rows  
> String ksname = st.nextToken();
> String cfname = st.nextToken();
> ksname becomes "KeySpaceName\\ColumnFamilyName\\KeySpaceName"
> Sincerely, Nury.
> Mon, 18 Jun 2012 15:40:17 +1200 от aaron morton <>:
> Cross platform clusters are not really supported. 
> That said it sounds like a bug. If you can create some steps to reproduce it 
> please create a ticket here 
> it may get looked it. 
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Developer
> @aaronmorton
> On 16/06/2012, at 12:41 AM, Nury Redjepow wrote:
>> Good day, everyone
>> We are using sstableloader to bulk insert data into cassandra. 
>> Script is executed on developers machine with Windows to Single Node 
>> Cassandra. 
>> "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -ea -cp %CASSANDRA_CLASSPATH% -Xmx256M 
>> -d --debug -v 
>> "DestinationPrices/PricesByHotel" 
>> This works fine if destination cassandra is working under windows, but 
>> doesn't work with ubuntu instance. Cli is able to connect, but sstable seem 
>> to have problem with keyspace name. Logs in ubuntu instance show error 
>> messages like:
>> ERROR [Thread-41] 2012-06-15 16:05:47,620 (line 
>> 134) Exception in thread Thread[Thread-41,5,main]
>> java.lang.AssertionError: Unknown keyspace 
>> DestinationPrices\PricesByHotel\DestinationPrices
>> In our schema we have keyspace DestinationPrices, and column family 
>> PricesByHotel. Somehow it's not accepted properly.
>> So my question is, how should I specify keyspace name in command, to make it 
>> work correctly with Ubuntu?

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