On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Leonid Ilyevsky <lilyev...@mooncapital.com>

> Thanks Roshni,
> I actually looked at Hector, didn't like it that much. Too many methods,
> feels like there are ten ways to do the same thing, but very difficult to
> find the one you need. Many packages look like they are simply migrated
> from Cassandra and renamed, what is the point? In my opinion, it is not
> well architectured API.
> Anyway, I prefer simplicity of CQL, I want to just prepare and execute
> statements. By the way, the manual for CQL is decent compare to the jungle
> of Hector (and Cassandra API too).

There are some related tickets for null support, of course that doesn't
mean it will actually get in:


It would make prepared statements more flexible if there was some amount of
null support.

My only other wishlist item is the ability to set the timestamp, ttl, and
consistency level using prepared statements.

Derek Williams

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