I suggest creating a ticket on https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA 
with the details.

If it is an immediate concern see if you can find someone in the #cassandra 
chat room http://cassandra.apache.org/


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 1/06/2012, at 3:20 AM, Charles Brophy wrote:

> Hi guys,
> We're running a three node cluster of cassandra 1.1 servers, originally 1.0.7 
> and immediately after the upgrade the error logs of all three servers began 
> filling up with the following message:
> ERROR [ReplicateOnWriteStage:177] 2012-05-31 08:17:02,236 CounterContext.java 
> (line 381) invalid counter shard detected; 
> (3438afc0-7e71-11e1-0000-da5a9d01e7f7, 3, 4) and 
> (3438afc0-7e71-11e1-0000-da5a9d01e7f7, 3, 7) differ only in count; will pick 
> highest to self-heal; this indicates a bug or corruption generated a bad 
> counter shard
> ERROR [ValidationExecutor:20] 2012-05-31 08:17:01,570 CounterContext.java 
> (line 381) invalid counter shard detected; 
> (343cf580-7e71-11e1-0000-ebc411012bff, 14, 27) and 
> (343cf580-7e71-11e1-0000-ebc411012bff, 14, 21) differ only in count; will 
> pick highest to self-heal; this indicates a bug or corruption generated a bad 
> counter shard
> The counts change but the errors are constant. What is the best course of 
> action? Google only turns up the source code for these errors.
> Thanks!
> Charles

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