On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 9:31 AM, Curt Allred <c...@mediosystems.com> wrote:
> No, these were not wide rows. They are rows that formerly had one or 2 > columns. The columns are deleted but the empty rows dont go away, even > after gc_grace_secs. > The empty row goes away only during a compaction after the gc_grace_secs. You can set the gc_grace_secs as a little value and force major compaction after the row is expired. After then please check whether the row still exists. > **** > > ** ** > > So if I understand... the empty row will only be removed after gc_grace if > enough compactions have occurred so that all the column tombstones for the > empty row are in a single SSTable file?**** > > **** > > *From:* aaron morton [mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com] > > **** > > ** ** > > Minor compaction will remove the tombstones if the row only exists in the > sstable being compaction. **** > > ** ** > > Are these very wide rows that are constantly written to ? **** > > ** ** > > Cheers**** > > p.s. cassandra 1.0 really does rock. **** >