Thanks for the info Roland!  I guess I missed that bug report in my google


On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 12:26 AM, Roland Mechler <>wrote:

> This is a known issue, see
> In the meantime, a workaround is to specify all the column names to be
> deleted. I.e.,
>   delete my_value from testCol where my_id='1_71548' and
> time_id=2fc39fa0-1dd5-11b2-9b6a-395f35722afe;
> should work.
> (I had the same question answered here
> -Roland
> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 6:24 PM, Stephen Powis 
> <>wrote:
>> I have the following schema setup in cassandra 1.1 with cql 3:
>> CREATE TABLE testCol (
>>   my_id varchar,
>>   time_id TimeUUIDType,
>>   my_value int,
>>   PRIMARY KEY (my_id, time_id)
>> );
>> and the following data already inserted:
>> my_id        | time_id                                               |
>> my_value |
>> 1_71548     | 2fc39fa0-1dd5-11b2-9b6a-395f35722afe |          1    |
>> but when I issue the following delete command using cqlsh -3, the data is
>> not removed.
>> delete from testCol where my_id='1_71548' and
>> time_id=2fc39fa0-1dd5-11b2-9b6a-395f35722afe;
>> Is it possible to remove data using the full composite key?  Or am I
>> formatting the UUID incorrectly?
>> Thanks!
>> Stephen

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