You *must* remove the hyphen.
According to the csql 2.0 documentation, here is the correct syntax to 
create keyspace:

<createKeyspaceStatement> ::= "CREATE" "KEYSPACE" <name>
                                 "WITH" <optionName> "=" <optionVal>
                                 ( "AND" <optionName> "=" <optionVal> )*
<optionName> ::= <identifier>
               | <optionName> ":" <identifier>
               | <optionName> ":" <integer>
<optionVal> ::= <stringLiteral>
              | <identifier>
              | <integer>

The string "strategy_options:us-west=1;" matches the following syntax:

<optionName> ":" <identifier> = <integer>

Thus, "us-west" is an *identifier*, and again according to the 
An <identifier> is a letter followed by any sequence of letters, digits, 
or the underscore (_).

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