Data will remain till next compaction but won't be available. Compaction
will delete old sstable create new one.
On 22-May-2012 5:47 PM, "Pieter Callewaert" <>

>  Hi,****
> ** **
> I’ve had my suspicions some months, but I think I am sure about it.****
> Data is being written by the SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter and loaded by the
> sstableloader.****
> The data should be alive for 31 days, so I use the following logic:****
> ** **
> int ttl = 2678400;****
> long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000;****
> long expirationTimestampMS = (long) ((timestamp / 1000) + ((long) ttl *
> 1000));****
> ** **
> And using this to write it:****
> ** **
> sstableWriter.newRow(bytes(;****
> sstableWriter.newSuperColumn(bytes(superColumn));****
> sstableWriter.addExpiringColumn(nameTT, bytes(entry.aggregatedTTMs),
> timestamp, ttl, expirationTimestampMS);****
> sstableWriter.addExpiringColumn(nameCov, bytes(entry.observationCoverage),
> timestamp, ttl, expirationTimestampMS);****
> sstableWriter.addExpiringColumn(nameSpd, bytes(entry.speed), timestamp,
> ttl, expirationTimestampMS);****
> ** **
> This works perfectly, data can be queried until 31 days are passed, then
> no results are given, as expected.****
> But the data is still on disk until the sstables are being recompacted:***
> *
> ** **
> One of our nodes (we got 6 total) has the following sstables:****
> [cassandra@bemobile-cass3 ~]$ ls -hal /data/MapData007/HOS-* | grep G****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 103G May  3 03:19
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-125620-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 103G May 12 21:17
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-163141-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra  25G May 15 06:17
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-172106-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra  25G May 17 19:50
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-181902-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra  21G May 21 07:37
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-191448-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 6.5G May 21 17:41
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-193842-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 5.8G May 22 11:03
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-196210-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 1.4G May 22 13:20
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-196779-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 401G Apr 16 08:33
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-58572-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 169G Apr 16 17:59
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-61630-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 173G Apr 17 03:46
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-63857-Data.db****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 105G Apr 23 06:41
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-87900-Data.db****
> ** **
> As you can see, the following files should be invalid:****
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-58572-Data.db****
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-61630-Data.db****
> /data/MapData007/HOS-hc-63857-Data.db****
> ** **
> Because they are all written more than an moth ago. gc_grace is 0 so this
> should also not be a problem.****
> ** **
> As a test, I use forceUserSpecifiedCompaction on the HOS-hc-61630-Data.db.
> ****
> Expected behavior should be an empty file is being written because all
> data in the sstable should be invalid:****
> ** **
> Compactionstats is giving:****
> compaction type        keyspace   column family bytes compacted     bytes
> total  progress****
>                Compaction      MapData007             HOS
> 11518215662    532355279724     2.16%****
> ** **
> And when I ls the directory I find this:****
> -rw-rw-r--. 1 cassandra cassandra 3.9G May 22 14:12
> /data/MapData007/HOS-tmp-hc-196898-Data.db****
> ** **
> The sstable is being 1-on-1 copied to a new one. What am I missing here?**
> **
> TTL works perfectly, but is it giving a problem because it is in a super
> column, and so never to be deleted from disk?****
> ** **
> Kind regards****
> Pieter Callewaert | Web & IT engineer****
>  Be-Mobile NV <> | 
> TouringMobilis<>
> ****
>  Technologiepark 12b - 9052 Ghent - Belgium****
> Tel + 32 9 330 51 80 | Fax + 32 9 330 51 81 |  Cell + 32 473 777 121****
> ** **

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