Thanks, I'll give it a try.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alain RODRIGUEZ [] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 2:12 AM
Subject: Re: 1.1 not removing commit log files?

commitlog_total_space_in_mb: 4096

By default this line is commented in 1.0.x if I remember well. I guess it is 
the same in 1.1. You really should remove this comment or your commit logs will 
entirely fill up your disk as it happened to me a while ago.


2012/5/21 Pieter Callewaert <>:
> Hi,
> In 1.1 the commitlog files are pre-allocated with files of 128MB.
> ( This should 
> however not exceed your commitlog size in Cassandra.yaml.
> commitlog_total_space_in_mb: 4096
> Kind regards,
> Pieter Callewaert
> From: Bryce Godfrey []
> Sent: maandag 21 mei 2012 9:52
> To:
> Subject: 1.1 not removing commit log files?
> The commit log drives on my nodes keep slowly filling up.  I don't see 
> any errors in my logs that are indicating any issues that I can map to 
> this issue.
> Is this how 1.1 is supposed to work now?  Previous versions seemed to 
> keep this drive at a minimum as it flushed.
> /dev/mapper/mpathf     25G   21G  4.2G  83% /opt/cassandra/commitlog

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