Hi, I am trying to connect to a Cassandra (1.0.8 or 1.1.0) server with the standard Thrift/CQL client, over an SSH tunnel, but keep getting this exception:
org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error The CQL query itself, as well as the Java code surrounding it is (or at least should be) valid, since it runs fine when server and client are both on the same machine, or at least in the same LAN. The network setup is as follows: Client machine with localhost-1, Internal-IP-1, Public-IP-A SSH server machine with Internal-IP-2, Public-IP-B Cassandra server machine with localhost-3, Internal-IP-3 The SSH server and the Cassandra server are both on the same LAN and thus can communicate directly with their internal IPs (Internal-IP-2 to Internal-IP-3). The client machine connects to the SSH server (Public-IP-A to Public-IP-B) and opens a tunnel forwarding the data sent to localhost-1 on to Internal-IP-3 on ports 9160, 7000 and 7001. This seems to be working fine as I can connect to the Cassandra server with telnet (with telnet localhost 9160), but when starting the Cassandra client program it throws the exception mentioned above. Thus I think it is safe to assume that this is neither a connection refused, nor a timeout issue - indicating the that the initial connection attempt succeed, and thus no firewall was interfering, but something still went wrong later on. Do you have any idea what the issue could be? Or what I would need to change? Thank you!