On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Ron Siemens <rsiem...@greatergood.com> wrote:
> I upgraded to 1.0.6 to 1.1.0, and I noticed the effective ownership report 
> changed.
> I have a 3-node cluster, with evenly divided tokens and RF=2.  The node tool 
> report on 1.0.6 was:
> 33.33%  0
> 33.33%  56713727820156410577229101238628035243
> 33.33%  113427455640312821154458202477256070485
> Under 1.1.0 it is
> 66.67%  0
> 66.67%  56713727820156410577229101238628035243
> 66.67%  113427455640312821154458202477256070485
> Does the updated reporting in 1.1.0 include the replicated data and before it 
> didn't?


> As long as I'm posting, I'll report other anomalies that I witnessed but 
> overcame.
> I eventually gave up trying to do a live rolling update because it complained 
> certain column families didn't exist.  Like this:  This doesn't appear to be 
> any CF I am using.
> ERROR [ReadStage:69680] 2012-05-02 01:54:14,995 AbstractCassandraDaemon.java 
> (line 133) Fatal exception
> in thread Thread[ReadStage:69680,5,main]
> java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown CF 
> 1851
>        at 
> org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageProxy$DroppableRunnable.run(StorageProxy.java:1238)
>        at 
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110)
>        at 
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603)
>        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown CF 1851
>        at org.apache.cassandra.db.Table.getColumnFamilyStore(Table.java:167)
>        at org.apache.cassandra.db.Table.getColumnFamilyStore(Table.java:160)
>        at org.apache.cassandra.db.Table.getRow(Table.java:374)
>        at 
> org.apache.cassandra.db.SliceByNamesReadCommand.getRow(SliceByNamesReadCommand.java:58)
>        at 
> org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageProxy$LocalReadRunnable.runMayThrow(StorageProxy.java:766
> )
>        at 
> org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageProxy$DroppableRunnable.run(StorageProxy.java:1234)
>        ... 3 more
> I tried repeatedly after various nodetool incantations but never succeeded.  
> Although I know it -can- work.  It worked at least once, but I had to 
> rollback to 1.0.6 though, because I found 1.1.0 was using the new 
> SnappyCompression.  But my target OS is Solaris, and there's only 3 included 
> libraries in the jar for SnappyCompression - Solaris not included.  So I had 
> to update all my column family creation code to explicitly set compression to 
> the previous JavaDeflate default.  That new default was annoying.

It doesn't ring a bell; For something like this, it would be great to
have a ticket with details on your environment, steps to reproduce,
the full output of the logs, and where possible, the data.

Eric Evans
Acunu | http://www.acunu.com | @acunu

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