That was very helpfull, thank you very much!

I still have some questions:
-it is possible to make Cassandra keep old value data after flushing?
The same question for the memTable, before flushing. Seems to me that
when I update some tuple, the old data will be overwrited in memTable,
even before flushing.
-it is possible to scan values from the memtable, maybe using the
so-called Thrift API? Using the client-api I can just see the newest
data version, I can't see what's really happening with the memTable.

I ask that cause what I'll try to do is a Change Data Capture to
Cassandra and the answers will define what kind of aproaches I'm able
to use.

Thanks in advance.

Felipe Mathias Schmidt
(Computer Science UFRGS, RS, Brazil)

2012/5/14 aaron morton <>:
> Cassandra does not provide access to multiple versions of the same column.
> It is essentially implementation detail.
> All mutations are written to the commit log in a binary format, see the
> o.a.c.db.RowMutation.getSerializedBuffer() (If you want to tail it for
> analysis you may want to change commitlog_sync in cassandra.yaml)
> Here is post about looking at multiple versions columns in an
> sstable
> Remember that not all "versions" of a column are written to disk
>  (see Also
> compaction will compress multiple versions of the same column from multiple
> files into a single version in a single file .
> Hope that helps.
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Developer
> @aaronmorton
> On 14/05/2012, at 9:50 PM, Felipe Schmidt wrote:
> Yes, I need this information just for academic purposes.
> So, to read old data values, I tried to open the Commitlog using tail
> -f and also the log files viewer of Ubuntu, but I can not see many
> informations inside of the log!
> Is there any other way to open this log? I didn't find any Cassandra
> API for this purpose.
> Thanks averybody in advance.
> Regards,
> Felipe Mathias Schmidt
> (Computer Science UFRGS, RS, Brazil)
> 2012/5/14 zhangcheng2 <>:
> After compaciton, the old version data will gone!
> ________________________________
> zhangcheng2
> From: Felipe Schmidt
> Date: 2012-05-14 05:33
> To: user
> Subject: Retrieving old data version for a given row
> I'm trying to retrieve old data version for some row but it seems not
> be possible. I'm a beginner  with Cassandra and the unique aproach I
> know is looking to the SSTable in the storage folder, but if I insert
> some column and right after insert another value to the same row,
> after flushing, I only get the last value.
> Is there any way to get the old data version? Obviously, before compaction.
> Regards,
> Felipe Mathias Schmidt
> (Computer Science UFRGS, RS, Brazil)

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