Sorry, forgot to mention we're running Cassandra 1.1.


On 8 May 2012 17:51, Conan Cook <> wrote:

> Hi Cassandra Folk,
> We've experienced a problem a couple of times where Cassandra nodes lose a
> keyspace after a restart.  We've restarted 2 out of 3 nodes, and they have
> both experienced this problem; clearly we're doing something wrong, but
> don't know what.  The data files are all still there, as before, but the
> node can't see the keyspace (we only have one).  Tthe nodetool still says
> that each one is responsible for 33% of the keys, but the disk usage has
> dropped to a tiny amount on the nodes that we've restarted.  I saw this:
> Seems to be exactly our problem, but we have not modified the
> cassandra.yaml - we have overwritten it through an automated process, and
> that happened just before restarting, but the contents did not change.
> Any ideas as to what might cause this, or how the keyspace can be restored
> (like I say, the data is all still in the data directory).
> We're running in AWS.
> Thanks,
> Conan

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