When you start a node does it log that it's opening SSTables ? After starting what does nodetool cfstats say for the node ?
Can you connect with cassandra-cli and do a get ? Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton http://www.thelastpickle.com On 29/04/2012, at 10:45 PM, Raj N wrote: > I tried it on 1 column family. I believe there is a bug in 0.8* where repair > ignores the cf. I tried this multiple times on different nodes. Every time > the disk util was going uo to 80% on a 500 GB disk. I would eventually kill > the repair. I only have 60GB worth data. I see this JIRA - > > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-2324 > > But that says it was fixed in 0.8 beta. Is this still broken in 0.8.4? > > I also don't understand why the data was inconsistent in the first place. I > read and write at LOCAL_QUORUM. > > Thanks > -Raj > > On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 2:06 AM, Watanabe Maki <watanabe.m...@gmail.com> > wrote: > You should run repair. If the disk space is the problem, try to cleanup and > major compact before repair. > You can limit the streaming data by running repair for each column family > separately. > > maki > > On 2012/04/28, at 23:47, Raj N <raj.cassan...@gmail.com> wrote: > > > I have a 6 node cassandra cluster DC1=3, DC2=3 with 60 GB data on each > > node. I was bulk loading data over the weekend. But we forgot to turn off > > the weekly nodetool repair job. As a result, repair was interfering when we > > were bulk loading data. I canceled repair by restarting the nodes. But > > unfortunately after the restart it looks like I dont have any data on those > > nodes when I use list on cassandra-cli. I ran repair on one of the effected > > nodes, but repair seems to be taking forever. Disk space has almost > > tripled. I stopped the repair again in fear of running out of disk space. > > After restart, the disk space is at 50% where as the good nodes are at 25%. > > How should I proceed from here. When I run list on cassandra-cli I do see > > data on the effected node. But how can I be sure I have all the data. > > Should I run repair again. Should I cleanup the disk by clearing snapshots. > > Or should I just drop column families and bulk load the data again? > > > > Thanks > > -Raj >