How much data do you have and how long is "a while"? In my experience repairs can take a very long time. Check to see if validation compactions are running (nodetool compactionstats) or if files are streaming (nodetool netstats). If either of those are in progress then your repair should be running. I've seen 12 node, 50G clusters take days to repair to a new data center.
Not sure if 1.0 is different but in 0.X I don't believe killing the nodetool process stops the repair. When we need to stop a repair we have bounced all of the participating nodes. I've been told that there is no harm in stopping repairs. On Apr 24, 2012, at 2:55 PM, Bill Au wrote: > I am running 1.0.8. I am adding a new data center to an existing cluster. > Following steps outlined in another thread on the mailing list, things went > fine except for the last step, which is to run repair on all the nodes in the > new data center. Repair seems to be hanging indefinitely. There is no > activity in system.log. I did notice that the node being repair is > requesting ranges from nodes in both the existing and new data center. Since > there is not data in the new data center initially, I though that it may be > why repair is hanging. So I break out of the repair with a control-C after > waiting for a while. I do see data being added to the new nodes. When I ran > repair for the second time it is still hanging. > > Why is repair hanging? Is it save to use control-C to break out of it. How > do I recover from this? > > Bill