I created a 3 node ring with the intial_token blank. Of course as expected,
Cassandra generated its own tokens on startup (e.g. tokens X, Y and Z)
The nodes or course were not properly balanced, so I did the following steps

        1)  stopped all the 3 nodes
        2) assigned initial_tokens (A, B, C) respectively
        3) Restarted the nodes

What I find if that the node were still using the original tokens (X, Y and
Z). Log messages say for node 1 show "Using saved token X"

I could rebalance suing nodetool and now the nodes are using the correct

But the question is, why were the new tokens not read from the
Cassandra.yaml file? Without using nodetool, how do I make it get the token
from the yaml file? Where is it saved?

Another question: I could not find the auto_bootstrap in the yaml file as
per the documentation. Where is this param located?
Appreciate it.
Thanks in advance

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