Hi, I have a column family that uses DynamicCompositeType for its keys_validation_class. When I try to dump the row keys using pig but it fails with java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.pig.data.DataByteArray cannot be cast to org.apache.pig.data.Tuple
This is how I create the column family create column family CompoKey with key_validation_class = 'DynamicCompositeType( a=>AsciiType, o=>BooleanType, b=>BytesType, e=>DateType, d=>DoubleType, f=>FloatType, i=>IntegerType, x=>LexicalUUIDType, l=>LongType, t=>TimeUUIDType, s=>UTF8Type, u=>UUIDType)' and comparator = 'DynamicCompositeType( a=>AsciiType, o=>BooleanType, b=>BytesType, e=>DateType, d=>DoubleType, f=>FloatType, i=>IntegerType, x=>LexicalUUIDType, l=>LongType, t=>TimeUUIDType, s=>UTF8Type, u=>UUIDType)' and default_validation_class = CounterColumnType; This is my pig script rows = LOAD 'cassandra://PigTest/CompoKey' USING CassandraStorage(); keys = FOREACH rows GENERATE flatten(key); dump keys; I'm on cassandra 1.0.9 and pig 0.9.2. Thanks.