The best would to not use update / insert at all but "set" / "put" / "save".

2012/3/29 Dinusha Dilrukshi <>

> What I want to tell was this driver does not use INSERT key word.  Since
> CQL support for using INSERT keyword and it is more generic key word used
> to add new records, it's more user friendly to  use INSERT key word  to add
> new record set rather using UPDATE keyword.
> Regards,
> ~Dinusha~
> On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:34 PM, Jeremiah Jordan <
>> wrote:
>>  There is no such thing as pure insert which will give an error if the
>> thing already exists.  Everything is really "UPDATE OR INSERT".  Whether
>> you say UPDATE, or INSERT, it will all act like "UPDATE OR INSERT", if the
>> thing is there it get over written, if it isn't there it gets inserted.
>> -Jeremiah
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* Dinusha Dilrukshi []
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 28, 2012 11:41 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Any improvements in Cassandra JDBC driver ?
>>  Hi,
>>  We are using Cassandra JDBC driver (found in [1]) to call to Cassandra
>> sever using CQL and JDBC calls.  One of the main disadvantage is, this
>> driver is not available in maven repository where people can publicly
>> access. Currently we have to checkout the source and build ourselves. Is
>> there any possibility to host this driver in a maven repository ?
>>  And one of the other limitation in driver is, it does not support for
>> the insert query. If we need to do a insert , then it can be done using the
>> "update" statement. So basically it will be same query used for both UPDATE
>> and INSERT. As an example, if you execute following query:
>> "update USER set 'username'=?, 'password'=? where key = ?"
>> and if the provided 'KEY' already exist in the Column family then it will
>> do a update to existing  columns. If the provided KEY does not already
>> exist, then it will do a insert..
>> Is that the INSERT query option is now available in latest driver?
>>  Are there any other improvements/supports added to this driver recently
>> ?
>>  Is this driver compatible with Cassandra-1.1.0 and is that the changes
>> done for driver will be backward compatible with older Cassandra versions
>> (1.0.0) ?
>>  [1]. 
>>  Regards,
>> ~Dinusha~

With kind regards,

Robin Verlangen

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