I updated the FAQ to the best of my ability:

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 12:25 AM, R. Verlangen <ro...@us2.nl> wrote:

> If you want to modify a column family, just open the command line
> interface (cassandra-cli), connect to a node (probably: "connect
> localhost/9160;").
> When you have to create your first keyspace type: "create keyspace
> MyKeyspace;"
> For modifying an existing keyspace type: "use MyKeyspace;"
> If you need more information you can just type "help;"
> Good luck!
> 2012/3/26 Ben McCann <b...@benmccann.com>
>> Hmmm, I don't see anything regarding column families in cassandra.yaml.
>>  It seems like the answer for that question in the FAQ is very outdated.
>> On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Serge Fonville <serge.fonvi...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> 2012/3/26 Ben McCann <b...@benmccann.com>:
>>> > There's a line that says "Make necessary changes to your
>>> storage-conf.xml."
>>> > I can't find this file.  Does it still exist?  If so, where should I
>>> look?
>>> >  I installed the packaged version of Cassandra available in the
>>> Datastax
>>> > community edition.
>>> From  http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/StorageConfiguration
>>> Prior to the 0.7 release, Cassandra storage configuration is described
>>> by the conf/storage-conf.xml file. As of 0.7, it is described by the
>>> conf/cassandra.yaml file.
>>> After googling cassandra storage-conf.xml
>>> Kind regards/met vriendelijke groet,
>>> Serge Fonville
>>> http://www.sergefonville.nl
>>> Convince Google!!
>>> They need to add GAL support on Android (star to agree)
>>> http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=4602
>>> 2012/3/26 Ben McCann <b...@benmccann.com>:
>>> > There's a line that says "Make necessary changes to your
>>> storage-conf.xml."
>>> > I can't find this file.  Does it still exist?  If so, where should I
>>> look?
>>> >  I installed the packaged version of Cassandra available in the
>>> Datastax
>>> > community edition.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > Ben
>>> >

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