
we just about ready to push our app live and just have some cassandra tuning left. i've been currently running a 4 node (rep factor 3, simple) in EC2 using the datastax AMIs (thanks datastax). so after reading through a bunch of docs i have a few questions.

- what is the min and recommended number of nodes to use in multiple region cluster. we only have a single app server right now. - can i migrate the replication strategy one node at a time or do i need to shut to the whole cluster to do this? - what type of performance hit am i going to take having my app server cross regions to get to a node. coming from the SQL world, this is usually not a good thing.

if i was to stick in a single region is the any best practices for backing up a whole cluster? from the docs it looks like i need to snapshot each node one by one and then copy off the snapshot to somewhere offsite.


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