Use one cluster. Use lots-o-machines. The read and write paths do not directly interfere with each other like they do in a RDBMS. Compaction created by writes can suck up disk IO, but this is throttled so in practice it is not such a big problem. Excessive GC created by reads or compaction may slow down the server, but you will want to avoid them anyway.
The one caveat is: it depends on how you are transforming the data. If you have a are using Hadoop consider creating a single cluster with multiple DC's (like Data Stax do). One for OLTP and one for OLAP, do the hadoop work in the OLAP DC and have the online app read-write to the OLTP one. Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 27/03/2012, at 3:22 AM, Oleg Proudnikov wrote: > Hi, > > Could someone please help me understand the benefits of having a single large > cluster vs. having two smaller clusters separated by the pattern of use? One, > MOSTLY WRITE cluster could incrementally accumulate large amounts of data > throughout the day. The daily increment would be processed, summarized and > stored into the second READ cluster at night. Users would only need to > interact with the READ portion of the overall system mostly during the day. > Writes would be spread throughout the day and will be a function of user > activity with some bulk load activity from time to time. WRITE portion of > the database would be an order of magnitude larger than the READ portion. > READ portion would have an an order of magnitude higher traffic except during > periodic bulk loads. > > On one hand, If I were to have a single cluster I would have more resources > for the users and potentially better scalability. A single cluster may need > fewer servers overall, provided write activity does not affect reads... On > the other hand, write activity and associated memory consumption, GC, as well > as maintenance riutines may affect READ system. The system will be hosted on > EC2. > > I would appreciate any thoughts. > > Regards, > Oleg