update column family with LCS option + upgradesstables should convert all of 
your sstables.
Set lig4j config:
in conf/log4j-server.properties and retry your procedure to find what is happen.


On 2012/03/16, at 7:05, Johan Elmerfjord <jelme...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Hi, I'm testing the community-version of Cassandra 1.0.8.
> We are currently on 0.8.7 in our production-setup.
> We have 3 Column Families that each takes between 20 and 35 GB on disk per 
> node. (8*2 nodes total)
> We would like to change to Leveled Compaction - and even try compression as 
> well to reduce the space needed for compactions.
> We are running on SSD-drives as latency is a key-issue.
> As test I have imported one Column Family from 3 production-nodes to a 3 node 
> test-cluster.
> The data on the 3 nodes ranges from 19-33GB. (with at least one large SSTable 
> (Tiered size - recently compacted)).
> After loading this data to the 3 test-nodes, and running scrub and repair, I 
> took a backup of the data so I have good test-set of data to work on.
> Then I changed changed to leveled compaction, using the cassandra-cli:
> compaction_strategy=LeveledCompactionStrategy;
> I could see the change being written to the logfile on all nodes.
> Then I don't know for for sure if I need to run anything else to make the 
> change happen - or if it's just to wait.
> My test-cluster does not receive new data.
> For this  KS & CF and on each of the nodes I have tried some or several of: 
> upgradesstable, scrub, compact, cleanup and repair - each task taking between 
> 40 minutes and 4 hours.
> With the exception of compact that returns almost immediately with no visible 
> compactions made.
> On some node I ended up with over 30000 files with the default 5MB size for 
> leveled compaction, on another node it didn't look like anything has been 
> done and I still have a 19GB SSTable.
> I then made another change.
> compaction_strategy=LeveledCompactionStrategy AND 
> compaction_strategy_options=[{sstable_size_in_mb: 64}];
> WARNING: [{}] strategy_options syntax is deprecated, please use {}
> Which is probably wrong in the documentation - and should be:
> compaction_strategy=LeveledCompactionStrategy AND 
> compaction_strategy_options={sstable_size_in_mb: 64};
> I think that we will be able to find the data in 3 searches with a 64MB size 
> - and still only use around 700MB while doing compactions - and keep the 
> number of files ~3000 per CF.
> A few days later it looks like I still have a mix between original huge 
> SStables, 5MB once - and some nodes has 64MB files as well.
> Do I need to do something special to clean this up?
> I have tried another scrub /upgradesstables/clean - but nothing seems to do 
> any change to me.
> Finally I have also tried to enable compression:
> compression_options=[{sstable_compression:SnappyCompressor, 
> chunk_length_kb:64}];
> - which results in the same [{}] - warning.
> As you can see below - this created CompressionInfo.db - files on some nodes 
> - but not on all.
> Is there a way I can force Teired sstables to be converted into Leveled once 
> - and then to compression as well?
> Why are the original file (Tiered Sized SSTables still present on testnode1 - 
> when is it supposed to delete them?
> Can I change back and forth between compression (on/off - or chunksizes) - 
> and between Leveled vs Size Tiered compaction?
> Is there a way to see if the node is done - or waiting for something?
> When is it safe to apply another setting - does it have to complete one reorg 
> before moving on to the next?
> Any input or own experiences are warmly welcome.
> Best regards, Johan
> Some lines of example directory-listings below.:
> Some files for testnode 3. (looks like it's still have the original Size 
> Tiered files around, and a mixture of compressed 64MB files - and 5MB files?
> total 19G
> drwxr-xr-x 3 cass cass 4.0K Mar 13 17:11 snapshots
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 6.0G Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6346-Index.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 1.3M Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6346-Filter.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  13G Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6346-Data.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 2.4M Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6346-CompressionInfo.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 4.3K Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6346-Statistics.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 195K Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6347-Filter.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 4.9M Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6347-Index.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 9.0M Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6347-Data.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 4.3K Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6347-Statistics.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 2.0K Mar 13 18:42 TestCF1-hc-6347-CompressionInfo.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  11K Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6351-CompressionInfo.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  52M Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6351-Data.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 1.1M Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6351-Filter.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  28M Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6351-Index.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 4.3K Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6351-Statistics.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  401 Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1.json
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  950 Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6350-CompressionInfo.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 4.3M Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6350-Data.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  93K Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6350-Filter.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 2.3M Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6350-Index.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass 4.3K Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-hc-6350-Statistics.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  400 Mar 13 18:43 TestCF1-old.json
> Some DB-files ordered by size for testnode1:
> No compressed files - but has the original Size-tiered files - as well as 5MB 
> Leveled compaction-files - but no 64 MB once.
> total 83G
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass   33G Mar 13 07:14 TestCF1-hc-33504-Data.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass   11G Mar 13 07:14 TestCF1-hc-33504-Index.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  407M Mar 13 07:14 TestCF1-hc-33504-Filter.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  5.1M Mar 13 05:27 TestCF1-hc-33338-Data.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  5.1M Mar 13 08:54 TestCF1-hc-38997-Data.db
> -rw-r--r-- 1 cass cass  5.1M Mar 13 07:15 TestCF1-hc-33513-Data.db
> -- 
> Johan Elmerfjord | Sr. Systems Administration/Mgr, EMEA | Adobe Systems, 
> Product Technical Operations | p. +45 3231 6008 | x86008 | cell. +46 735 101 
> 444 | jelme...@adobe.com 

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