Thanks Tyler,
 I see that cassandra.yaml has "endpoint_snitch:
com.datastax.bdp.snitch.DseSimpleSnitch". Will this pick up the
configuration from the file as does the
PropertyFileSnitch ? Or is there some other way of telling it which nodes
are in withc DC?


On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Tyler Hobbs <> wrote:

> Yes, you can do this.
> You will want to have three DCs: DC1 with [1, 2, 3], DC2 with [4, 5, 6],
> and DC3 with [7, 8, 9].  For your normal data keyspace, the replication
> strategy should be NTS, and the strategy_options should have some replicas
> in each of the three DCs.  For example: {DC1: 3, DC2: 3, DC3: 3} if you
> need that level of replication in each one (although you probably only want
> an RF of 1 for DC3).
> Your clients that are performing writes should only open connections
> against the nodes in DC1, and you should write at CL.ONE or
> CL.LOCAL_QUORUM.  Likewise for reads, your clients should only connect to
> nodes in DC2, and you should read at CL.ONE or CL.LOCAL_QUORUM.
> The nodes in DC3 should run as analytics nodes.  I believe the default CL
> for m/r jobs is ONE, which would work.
> As far as tokens go, interleaving all three DCs and evenly spacing the
> tokens will work.  For example, the ordering of your nodes might be [1, 4,
> 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9].
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Alexandru Sicoe <>wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>>  I want to test out the Datastax Enterprise software to have a mixed
>> workload setup with an analytics and a real time part.
>>  However I am not sure how to configure it to achieve what I want: I will
>> have 3 real machines on one side of a gateway (1,2,3) and 6 VMs on
>> another(4,5,6).
>>  1,2,3 will each have a normal Cassandra node that just takes data
>> directly from my data sources. I want them to replicate the data to the
>> other 6 VMs. Now, out of those 6 VMs 4,5,6 will run normal Cassandra nodes
>> and 7,8,9 will run Analytics nodes. So I only want to write to the 1,2,3
>> and I only want to serve user reads from 4,5,6 and do analytics on 7,8,9.
>> Can I achieve this by configuring 1,2,3,4,5,6 as normal nodes and the rest
>> as analytics nodes? If I alternate the tokens as it's explained in
>>  it analoguous to achieving something like 3 DCs each getting their own
>> replica?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
> --
> Tyler Hobbs
> DataStax <>

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