I added a third node to the cluster. Sure enough, this morning I come and
only one node is up, in the other two the cassandra process is not running.

In the cassandra log there is nothing, but in /var/log/syslog I see
In one node:
Mar 15 07:50:51 Cassandra3 kernel: [58566.666906] Out of memory: Kill
process 2840 (java) score 383 or sacrifice child
Mar 15 07:50:51 Cassandra3 kernel: [58566.667066] Killed process 2840
(java) total-vm:956792kB, anon-rss:689752kB, file-rss:21680kB
And in the other:
Mar 14 18:36:02 Cassandra2 kernel: [16262.267300] Out of memory: Kill
process 2611 (java) score 409 or sacrifice child
Mar 14 18:36:02 Cassandra2 kernel: [16262.267325] Killed process 2611
(java) total-vm:968040kB, anon-rss:748644kB, file-rss:18436kB

Two questions:
1. How can I prevent this? I guess my setup is limited, and this may
happen, but is there a way to improve things.
2. Assuming that I will run out of memory from time to time, how do I setup
a monit \ god task to restart cassandra in case it does.


*Tamar Fraenkel *
Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media

[image: Inline image 1]

Tel:   +972 2 6409736
Mob:  +972 54 8356490
Fax:   +972 2 5612956

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 11:12 AM, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com>wrote:

> If you are on Ubuntu it may be this
> http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/FAQ#ubuntu_hangs
> otherwise I would look for GC problems.
> Cheers
>   -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Developer
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 13/03/2012, at 7:53 PM, Tamar Fraenkel wrote:
> Done it. Now it generally runs ok, till one of the nodes get's stuck with
> 100% cpu and I need to reboot it.
> Last lines in the system.log just before are:
>  INFO [OptionalTasks:1] 2012-03-13 07:36:43,850 MeteredFlusher.java (line
> 62) flushing high-traffic column family CFS(Keyspace='tok',
> ColumnFamily='tk_vertical_tag_story_indx') (estimated 35417890 bytes)
>  INFO [OptionalTasks:1] 2012-03-13 07:36:43,869 ColumnFamilyStore.java
> (line 704) Enqueuing flush of 
> Memtable-tk_vertical_tag_story_indx@2002820169(1620316/35417890
> serialized/live bytes, 30572 ops)
>  INFO [FlushWriter:76] 2012-03-13 07:36:43,869 Memtable.java (line 246)
> Writing Memtable-tk_vertical_tag_story_indx@2002820169(1620316/35417890
> serialized/live bytes, 30572 ops)
>  INFO [FlushWriter:76] 2012-03-13 07:36:44,015 Memtable.java (line 283)
> Completed flushing
> /opt/cassandra/data/tok/tk_vertical_tag_story_indx-hc-191-Data.db (2134123
> bytes)
>  INFO [OptionalTasks:1] 2012-03-13 07:37:37,886 MeteredFlusher.java (line
> 62) flushing high-traffic column family CFS(Keyspace='tok',
> ColumnFamily='tk_vertical_tag_story_indx') (estimated 34389135 bytes)
>  INFO [OptionalTasks:1] 2012-03-13 07:37:37,887 ColumnFamilyStore.java
> (line 704) Enqueuing flush of 
> Memtable-tk_vertical_tag_story_indx@1869953681(1573252/34389135
> serialized/live bytes, 29684 ops)
>  INFO [FlushWriter:76] 2012-03-13 07:37:37,887 Memtable.java (line 246)
> Writing Memtable-tk_vertical_tag_story_indx@1869953681(1573252/34389135
> serialized/live bytes, 29684 ops)
>  INFO [FlushWrit
> Any idea?
> I am considering adding a third node, so that replication factor of 2
> won't stuck my system when one node goes down. Does it make sense?
> Thanks
> *Tamar Fraenkel *
> Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media
> <tokLogo.png>
> ta...@tok-media.com
> Tel:   +972 2 6409736
> Mob:  +972 54 8356490
> Fax:   +972 2 5612956
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 7:51 PM, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com>wrote:
>> Reduce these settings for the CF
>> row_cache (disable it)
>> key_cache (disable it)
>> Increase these settings for the CF
>> bloom_filter_fp_chance
>> Reduce these settings in cassandra.yaml
>> flush_largest_memtables_at
>> memtable_flush_queue_size
>> sliced_buffer_size_in_kb
>> in_memory_compaction_limit_in_mb
>> concurrent_compactors
>> Increase these settings
>> index_interval
>> While it obviously depends on load, I would not be surprised if you had a
>> lot of trouble running cassandra with that setup.
>> Cheers
>> A
>>   -----------------
>> Aaron Morton
>> Freelance Developer
>> @aaronmorton
>> http://www.thelastpickle.com
>> On 6/03/2012, at 11:02 PM, Tamar Fraenkel wrote:
>> Arron, Thanks for your response. I was afraid this is the issue.
>> Can you give me some direction regarding the fine tuning of my VMs, I
>> would like to explore that option some more.
>> Thanks!
>> *Tamar Fraenkel *
>> Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media
>> <tokLogo.png>
>> ta...@tok-media.com
>> Tel:   +972 2 6409736
>> Mob:  +972 54 8356490
>> Fax:   +972 2 5612956
>> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 11:58 AM, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com>wrote:
>>> You do not have enough memory allocated to the JVM and are suffering
>>> from excessive GC as a result.
>>> There are some tuning things you can try, but 480MB is not enough. 1GB
>>> would be a better start, 2 better than that.
>>> Consider using https://github.com/pcmanus/ccm for testing multiple
>>> instances on a single server rather than a VM.
>>> Cheers
>>>   -----------------
>>> Aaron Morton
>>> Freelance Developer
>>> @aaronmorton
>>> http://www.thelastpickle.com
>>> On 6/03/2012, at 10:21 PM, Tamar Fraenkel wrote:
>>> I have some more info, after couple of hours running the problematic
>>> node became again 100% CPU and I had to reboot it, last lines from log show
>>> it did GC:
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:28:00,880 GCInspector.java (line
>>> 122) GC for Copy: 203 ms for 1 collections, 185983456 used; max is 513802240
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:28:50,595 GCInspector.java (line
>>> 122) GC for Copy: 3927 ms for 1 collections, 156572576 used; max is
>>> 513802240
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:28:55,434 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 50) Pool Name                    Active   Pending   Blocked
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,298 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) ReadStage                         2         2         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,499 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) RequestResponseStage              0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,500 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) ReadRepairStage                   0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,500 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) MutationStage                     0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,500 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) ReplicateOnWriteStage             0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,500 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) GossipStage                       0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,501 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) AntiEntropyStage                  0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,501 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) MigrationStage                    0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,501 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) StreamStage                       0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,501 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) MemtablePostFlusher               0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,502 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) FlushWriter                       0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,502 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) MiscStage                         0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,502 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) InternalResponseStage             0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,502 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 65) HintedHandoff                     0         0         0
>>>  INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2012-03-06 10:29:03,553 StatusLogger.java (line
>>> 69) CompactionManager               n/a         0
>>> Thanks,
>>> *Tamar Fraenkel *
>>> Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media
>>> <tokLogo.png>
>>> ta...@tok-media.com
>>> Tel:   +972 2 6409736
>>> Mob:  +972 54 8356490
>>> Fax:   +972 2 5612956
>>> On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Tamar Fraenkel <ta...@tok-media.com>wrote:
>>>> Works..
>>>> But during the night my setup encountered a problem.
>>>> I have two VMs on my cluster (running on VmWare ESXi).
>>>> Each VM has1GB memory, and two Virtual Disks of 16 GB
>>>> They are running on a small server with 4CPUs (2.66 GHz), and 4 GB
>>>> memory (together with two other VMs)
>>>> I put cassandra data on the second disk of each machine.
>>>> VMs are running Ubuntu 11.10 and cassandra 1.0.7.
>>>> I left them running overnight and this morning when I came:
>>>> In one node cassandra was down, and the last thing in the system.log is:
>>>>  INFO [CompactionExecutor:150] 2012-03-06 00:55:04,821
>>>> CompactionTask.java (line 113) Compacting
>>>> [SSTableReader(path='/opt/cassandra/data/tok/tk_vertical_tag_story_indx-hc-1243-Data.db'),
>>>> SSTableReader(path='/opt/cassandra/data/tok/tk_vertical_tag_story_indx-hc-1245-Data.db'),
>>>> SSTableReader(path='/opt/cassandra/data/tok/tk_vertical_tag_story_indx-hc-1242-Data.db'),
>>>> SSTableReader(path='/opt/cassandra/data/tok/tk_vertical_tag_story_indx-hc-1244-Data.db')]
>>>>  INFO [CompactionExecutor:150] 2012-03-06 00:55:07,919
>>>> CompactionTask.java (line 221) Compacted to
>>>> [/opt/cassandra/data/tok/tk_vertical_tag_story_indx-hc-1246-Data.db,].
>>>>  32,424,771 to 26,447,685 (~81% of original) bytes for 58,938 keys at
>>>> 8.144165MB/s.  Time: 3,097ms.
>>>> The other node was using all it's CPU and I had to restart it.
>>>> After that, I can see that the last lines in it's system.log are that
>>>> the other node is down...
>>>>  INFO [FlushWriter:142] 2012-03-06 00:55:02,418 Memtable.java (line
>>>> 246) Writing 
>>>> Memtable-tk_vertical_tag_story_indx@1365852701(1122169/25154556
>>>> serialized/live bytes, 21173 ops)
>>>>  INFO [FlushWriter:142] 2012-03-06 00:55:02,742 Memtable.java (line
>>>> 283) Completed flushing
>>>> /opt/cassandra/data/tok/tk_vertical_tag_story_indx-hc-1244-Data.db (2075930
>>>> bytes)
>>>>  INFO [GossipTasks:1] 2012-03-06 08:02:18,584 Gossiper.java (line 818)
>>>> InetAddress / is now dead.
>>>> How can I trace why that happened?
>>>> Also, I brought cassandra up in both nodes. They both spend long time
>>>> reading commit logs, but now they seem to run.
>>>> Any idea how to debug or improve my setup?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Tamar
>>>> *Tamar Fraenkel *
>>>> Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media
>>>>  <tokLogo.png>
>>>> ta...@tok-media.com
>>>> Tel:   +972 2 6409736
>>>> Mob:  +972 54 8356490
>>>> Fax:   +972 2 5612956
>>>> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 7:30 PM, aaron morton 
>>>> <aa...@thelastpickle.com>wrote:
>>>>> Create nodes that do not share seeds, and give the clusters different
>>>>> names as a safety measure.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>   -----------------
>>>>> Aaron Morton
>>>>> Freelance Developer
>>>>> @aaronmorton
>>>>> http://www.thelastpickle.com
>>>>> On 6/03/2012, at 12:04 AM, Tamar Fraenkel wrote:
>>>>> I want tow separate clusters.
>>>>> *Tamar Fraenkel *
>>>>> Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media
>>>>> <tokLogo.png>
>>>>> ta...@tok-media.com
>>>>> Tel:   +972 2 6409736
>>>>> Mob:  +972 54 8356490
>>>>> Fax:   +972 2 5612956
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 12:48 PM, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Do you want to create two separate clusters or a single cluster with
>>>>>> two data centres ?
>>>>>> If it's the later, token selection is discussed here
>>>>>> http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/install/cluster_init#token-gen-cassandra
>>>>>> Moreover all tokens must be unique (even across datacenters),
>>>>>> although - from pure curiosity - I wonder what is the rationale behind 
>>>>>> this.
>>>>>> Otherwise data is not evenly distributed.
>>>>>> By the way, can someone enlighten me about the first line in the
>>>>>> output of the nodetool. Obviously it contains a token, but nothing else. 
>>>>>> It
>>>>>> seems like a formatting glitch, but maybe it has a role.
>>>>>> It's the exclusive lower bound token for the first node in the ring.
>>>>>> This also happens to be the token for the last node in the ring.
>>>>>> In your setup
>>>>>> "owns" (85070591730234615865843651857942052864+1) to 0
>>>>>> "owns"  (0 + 1) to 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
>>>>>> (does not imply primary replica, just used to map keys to nodes.)
>>>>>>   -----------------
>>>>>> Aaron Morton
>>>>>> Freelance Developer
>>>>>> @aaronmorton
>>>>>> http://www.thelastpickle.com
>>>>>> On 5/03/2012, at 11:38 PM, Hontvári József Levente wrote:
>>>>>>  You have to use PropertyFileSnitch and NetworkTopologyStrategy to
>>>>>> create a multi-datacenter setup with two circles. You can start reading
>>>>>> from this page:
>>>>>> http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/cluster_architecture/replication#about-replica-placement-strategy
>>>>>> Moreover all tokens must be unique (even across datacenters),
>>>>>> although - from pure curiosity - I wonder what is the rationale behind 
>>>>>> this.
>>>>>> By the way, can someone enlighten me about the first line in the
>>>>>> output of the nodetool. Obviously it contains a token, but nothing else. 
>>>>>> It
>>>>>> seems like a formatting glitch, but maybe it has a role.
>>>>>> On 2012.03.05. 11:06, Tamar Fraenkel wrote:
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> I have a Cassandra  cluster with two nodes
>>>>>>  nodetool ring -h localhost
>>>>>> Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load
>>>>>>  Owns    Token
>>>>>>          85070591730234615865843651857942052864
>>>>>>       datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  488.74 KB
>>>>>>   50.00%  0
>>>>>>       datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  504.63 KB
>>>>>>   50.00%  85070591730234615865843651857942052864
>>>>>>  I want to create a second ring with the same name but two different
>>>>>> nodes.
>>>>>> using tokengentool I get the same tokens as they are affected from
>>>>>> the number of nodes in a ring.
>>>>>>  My question is like this:
>>>>>> Lets say I create two new VMs, with IPs: and
>>>>>> *In cassandra.yaml I will set*
>>>>>> initial_token: 0
>>>>>> seeds: ""
>>>>>> listen_address:
>>>>>> rpc_address:
>>>>>>  *In cassandra.yaml I will set*
>>>>>> initial_token: 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
>>>>>> seeds: ""
>>>>>> listen_address:
>>>>>> rpc_address:
>>>>>>  *Would the rings be separate?*
>>>>>>  Thanks,
>>>>>>  *Tamar Fraenkel *
>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media
>>>>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>>>>> ta...@tok-media.com
>>>>>> Tel:   +972 2 6409736
>>>>>> Mob:  +972 54 8356490
>>>>>> Fax:   +972 2 5612956


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