Right, so until the new CQL stuff exists to actually query with something smart 
enough to know about "composite keys" , You have to define and query on your 

Row Key = UUID
Column = CompositeColumn(string, string)

You want to then use COLUMN slicing, not row ranges to query the data.  Where 
you slice in priority as the first part of a Composite Column Name.

See the "Under the hood and historical notes" section of the blog post.  You 
want to layout your data per the "Physical representation of the denormalized 
timeline rows" diagram.
Where your UUID is the "user_id" from the example, and your priority is the 


From: John Laban [j...@pagerduty.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 12:37 PM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: Composite keys and range queries

Hmm, now I'm really confused.

> This may be of use to you 
> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/schema-in-cassandra-1-1

This article is what I actually used to come up with my schema here.  In the 
"Clustering, composite keys, and more" section they're using a schema very 
similarly to how I'm trying to use it.  They define a composite key with two 
parts, expecting the first part to be used as the partition key and the second 
part to be used for ordering.

> The hash for (uuid-1 , p1) may be 100 and the hash for (uuid-1, p2) may be 1 .

Why?  Shouldn't only "uuid-1" be used as the partition key?  (So shouldn't 
those two hash to the same location?)

I'm thinking of using supercolumns for this instead as I know they'll work 
(where the row key is the uuid and the supercolumn name is the priority), but 
aren't composite row keys supposed to essentially replace the need for 

Thanks, and sorry if I'm getting this all wrong,

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 12:52 AM, aaron morton 
<aa...@thelastpickle.com<mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com>> wrote:
You are seeing this http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/FAQ#range_rp

The hash for (uuid-1 , p1) may be 100 and the hash for (uuid-1, p2) may be 1 .

You cannot do what you want to. Even if you passed a start of (uuid1,<empty>) 
and no finish, you would not only get rows where the key starts with uuid1.

This may be of use to you 

Or you can store all the priorities that are valid for an ID in another row.


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 14/03/2012, at 1:05 PM, John Laban wrote:

> Forwarding to the Cassandra mailing list as well, in case this is more of an 
> issue on how I'm using Cassandra.
> Am I correct to assume that I can use range queries on composite row keys, 
> even when using a RandomPartitioner, if I make sure that the first part of 
> the composite key is fixed?
> Any help would be appreciated,
> John
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 12:15 PM, John Laban 
> <j...@pagerduty.com<mailto:j...@pagerduty.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a column family that uses a composite key:
> (ID, priority) -> ...
> Where the ID is a UUID and the priority is an integer.
> I'm trying to perform a range query now:  I want all the rows where the ID 
> matches some fixed UUID, but within a range of priorities.  This is supported 
> even if I'm using a RandomPartitioner, right?  (Because the first key in the 
> composite key is the partition key, and the second part of the composite key 
> is automatically ordered?)
> So I perform a range slices query:
> val rangeQuery = HFactory.createRangeSlicesQuery(keyspace, new 
> CompositeSerializer, StringSerializer.get, BytesArraySerializer.get)
> rangeQuery.setColumnFamily(RouteColumnFamilyName).
>             setKeys( new Composite(id, priorityStart), new Composite(id, 
> priorityEnd) ).
>             setRange( null, null, false, Int.MaxValue )
> But I get this error:
> me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HInvalidRequestException: 
> InvalidRequestException(why:start key's md5 sorts after end key's md5.  this 
> is not allowed; you probably should not specify end key at all, under 
> RandomPartitioner)
> Shouldn't they have the same md5, since they have the same partition key?
> Am I using the wrong query here, or does Hector not support composte range 
> queries, or am I making some mistake in how I think Cassandra's composite 
> keys work?
> Thanks,
> John

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