The error is that the specified colum family doesn't exist. If you connect with the CLI and describe the keyspace does it show up? Also, after adding a new column family programmatically you can't use it immediately, you have to wait for it to propagate. You can use calls to describe schema to do so, keep calling it until every node is on the same schema.
-Jeremiah From: Tharindu Mathew [] Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 8:27 AM To: user Subject: Schema change causes exception when adding data Hi, I have a 3 node cluster and I'm dynamically updating a keyspace with a new column family. Then, when I try to write records to it I get the following exception shown at [1]. How do I avoid this. I'm using Hector and the default consistency level of QUORUM is used. Cassandra version 0.7.8. Replication Factor is 1. How can I solve my problem? [1] - me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HInvalidRequestException: InvalidRequestException(why:unconfigured columnfamily proxySummary) at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.ExceptionsTranslatorImpl.translate(Exce at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.KeyspaceServiceImpl$10.execute(Keyspace at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.KeyspaceServiceImpl$10.execute(Keyspace at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.Operation.executeAndSetResult(Operation .java:101) at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.operateWithFailov er( at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.KeyspaceServiceImpl.operateWithFailover ( at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.KeyspaceServiceImpl.multigetSlice(Keysp at me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.thrift.ThriftMultigetSliceQuery$1.doInKey space( at me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.thrift.ThriftMultigetSliceQuery$1.doInKey space( at me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.KeyspaceOperationCallback.doInKeyspaceAnd Measure( at me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.ExecutingKeyspace.doExecute(ExecutingKeys at me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.thrift.ThriftMultigetSliceQuery.execute(T -- Regards, Tharindu blog: