It's a special case of a single sstable existing for hints:

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 5:43 AM, Manoj Mainali <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been running Cassandra 1.0.7 and in the log file I see the log saying
> " Finished hinted handoff of 0 rows to endpoint /{ipaddress}"
> The above issue can be reproduced by the following steps,
> 1. Start a cluster with 2 node, suppose node1 and node2
> 2. Create a keyspace with rf=2, create column family
> 3. Stop node2
> 4. Insert some rows, suppose 100, to cluster with consistency level 1
> 5. Restart node2
> When the node2 is restarted, node1 sends the hints to the node2 and from the
> log I see that 100 rows are sent. But, after that in the interval of
> approximately 10 mins, Cassandra logs "Finished hinted handoff of 0 rows to
> the endpoint .."
> When I do the "list hintscolumnfamily" from the cassandra-cli, it shows a
> result of 1 row, but no columns data.
> There seems to be a issue raised
> before,, and it says it
> is fixed in 1.0.7. However, I keep seeing the above log.
> It seems that the Cassandra is trying to send hints message even when all
> the hints are delivered and there are no more hints left. Is there a way to
> solve the above issue?
> Recently, another issue was also
> raised and they are
> similar, but I am not sure if they are caused by the same reason.
> Does anyone know how to solve the issue?
> Thanks,
> Manoj

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