Hi Todd, Our systems do a lot of deletions and it does cause problems.
Your best bet is to bring GCSeconds low and run repair religiously. The issue you can run into though is repair overloading your servers when your data load gets high, repair falling over and related problems. IMHO the need to run repair really needs to be addressed urgently. I proposed an alternative approach here https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-3620 so vote it up if you share problems! Dominic On 14 February 2012 19:54, Todd Burruss <bburr...@expedia.com> wrote: > my design calls for deleting a row (by key, not individual columns) and > re-inserting it a lot and I'm concerned about tombstone build up slowing > down reads. I know if I delete a lot of individual columns the tombstones > will build up and slow down reads until they are cleaned up, but not sure > if the same holds for deleting the whole role. > > thoughts? >