I think the keycaches and rowcahches are bothe persisted to disk when shutdown, 
and restored from disk when restart, then improve the performance.



发件人: Franc Carter 
发送时间: 2012-02-13  13:53:56 
收件人: user 
主题: keycache persisted to disk ? 


I am testing Cassandra on Amazon and finding performance can vary fairly 
wildly. I'm leaning towards it being an artifact of the AWS I/O system but have 
one other possibility.

Are keycaches persisted to disk and restored on a clean shutdown and restart ?



Franc Carter | Systems architect | Sirca Ltd

franc.car...@sirca.org.au | www.sirca.org.au
Tel: +61 2 9236 9118 

Level 9, 80 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box H58, Australia Square, Sydney NSW 1215

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