It mostly works as normal with one caveat.

In the other direction hadoop may not know how to "talk" to cfs:/// without
having to install extra stuff. So this is where htfp:// comes in...

Copying between versions of HDFS

For copying between two different versions of Hadoop, one will usually use
HftpFileSystem. This is a read-only FileSystem, so DistCp must be run on
the destination cluster (more specifically, on TaskTrackers that can write
to the destination cluster). Each source is specified as
hftp://<dfs.http.address>/<path> (the default dfs.http.address is
Also distcp can push or pull data so usually you have a few options.

On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 2:56 PM, rk vishu <> wrote:

> Could any one tell me how can we copy data from Cassandra-Brisk cluster to
> Hadoop-HDFS cluster?
> 1) Is there a way to do hadoop distcp between clusters?
> 2) If hive table is created on Brisk cluster, will it similar like HDFS
> file format? can we run map reduce on the other cluster to transform hive
> data (on brisk)?
> Thanks and Regards
> RK

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