Either one works fine. Setting to "" may cause you less headaches as
you won't have to deal with tombstones. Deleting a non existent column
is fine.
On 02/10/2012 02:15 PM, Drew Kutcharian wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Let's say I have the following object which I would like to save in Cassandra:
class User {
UUID id; //row key
String name; //columnKey: "name", columnValue: the name of the user
String description; //columnKey: "description", columnValue: the description
of the user
Description can be nullable. What's the best approach when a user updates her
description and sets it to null? Should I delete the description column or set
it to an empty string?
In addition, if I go with the delete column strategy, since I don't know what
was the previous value of description (the column could not even exist), what
would happen when I delete a non existent column?