Hi, I've a strange problem with my test cluster. Calling truncate on a small ColumnFamily on idle cluster of 4 nodes returns UnavailableException after 10s. That 10s is set in rpc_timeout_in_ms.
All nodes are up and running, here is nodetool ring: Address DC Rack Status State Load Owns Token 148873535527910577765226390751398592512 GO RAC1 Up Normal 7.93 GB 25.00% 21267647932558653966460912964485513216 GO RAC1 Up Normal 7.44 GB 25.00% 63802943797675961899382738893456539648 GO RAC1 Up Normal 7.11 GB 25.00% 106338239662793269832304564822427566080 GO RAC1 Up Normal 7.78 GB 25.00% 148873535527910577765226390751398592512 #using Cassandra 0.8.9 on Debian Squeeze What may be the problem? Regards, Patrik