What are the column names you are getting back and the the byte values you are using in the start and from.
My guess is it's a serialization thing, try using an IntegerType in cassandra and have your client serialise the ticks long for you. If that works then work back to see whats going on. Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton http://www.thelastpickle.com On 25/01/2012, at 5:19 PM, Gustavo Gustavo wrote: > I suppose that a CF Comparator type is used to sort the columns based on its > type, right? > So, let's suppose I have two columns: 1, 3. If I insert column 2 I will end > up with 1, 2, 3, ok? > > I'm using the default BytesType as the Comparator type to store time series > columns (actually the value is a C# DateTime.Ticks value - a long int). The > columns aren't inserted in order. But, later, when I use get_slice with > something like: > > slice.Slice_range.Start = > BitConverter.GetBytes(dateFrom.Value.Ticks); > slice.Slice_range.Finish = > BitConverter.GetBytes(dateTo.Value.Ticks); > > where dateFrom and dateTo are supplied by the user and may not (most likely) > correspond to an existing column name. I'm getting some really weird results, > from dates that are even outside the range supplied. Any hint about this? > > /Gustavo