Did you run repairs withing GC_GRACE all the time?
On 1/20/2012 3:42 AM, Shammi Jayasinghe wrote:
I am experiencing a delay in delete operations in cassandra. Its as
follows. I am running a thread which contains following three steps.
Step 01: Read data from column family "foo" [1]
Step 02: Process received data eg: bar1,bar2,bar3,bar4,bar5
Step 03: Remove those processed data from "foo".[2]
The problem occurs when this thread is invoked for the second time.
In that step , it returns some of data that i already deleted in the
third step of the previous cycle.
Eg: it returns bar2,bar3,bar4,bar5
It seems though i called the remove operation as follows [2], it takes
time to replicate it to
the file system. If i make a thread sleep of 5 secs between the thread
cycles, it does not
give me any data that i deleted in the third step.
[1] . SliceQuery<String, String, byte[]> sliceQuery =
stringSerializer, stringSerializer, bs);
sliceQuery.setRange("", "", false, messageCount);
[2]. Mutator<String> mutator = HFactory.createMutator(keyspace,
mutator.addDeletion(queueName, USER_QUEUES_COLUMN_FAMILY,
messageId, stringSerializer);
Is there a solution for this.
Cassadra version : 0.8.0
Libthrift version : 0.6.1
Best Regards,*
Shammi Jayasinghe*
Senior Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com/>,
mobile: +94 71 4493085