What's the version of Java do you use? Can you try reducing NewSize
and increasing Old generation? If you are on old version of Java I
also recommend upgrading that version.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 3:27 AM, Rene Kochen
<rene.koc...@emea.schange.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your comments. The application is indeed suffering from a freezing 
> Cassandra node. Queries are taking longer than 10 seconds at the moment of a 
> full garbage collect.
> Here is an example from the logs. I have a three node cluster. At some point 
> I see on a node the following log:
> 21:53:35,986 InetAddress / is now dead.
> On node "", I see the following:
> 21:53:27.192+0100: 1335393.834: [GC 1335393.834: [ParNew (promotion failed): 
> 319468K->324959K(345024K), 0.1304456 secs]1335393.964: [CMS: 
> 6000844K->3298251K(8005248K), 10.8526193 secs] 6310427K->3298251K(8350272K), 
> [CMS Perm : 26355K->26346K(44268K)], 10.9832679 secs] [Times: user=11.15 
> sys=0.03, real=10.98 secs]
> 21:53:38,174 GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 10856 ms for 1 collections, 
> 3389079904 used; max is 8550678528
> I have not yet tested the "XX:+DisableExplicitGC" switch.
> Is the right thing to do to decrease the CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction 
> setting?
> Thanks!
> Rene
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sc...@scode.org [mailto:sc...@scode.org] On Behalf Of Peter Schuller
> Sent: dinsdag 20 december 2011 6:38
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Garbage collection freezes cassandra node
> I should add: If you are indeed actually pausing due to "promotion
> failed" or "concurrent mode failure" (which you will see in the GC log
> if you enable it with the options I suggested), the first thing I
> would try to mitigate is:
> * Decrease the occupancy trigger (search for "occupancy") of CMS to a
> lower percentage, making the concurrent mark phase start earlier.
> * Increase heap size significantly (probably not necessary based on
> your graph, but for good measure).
> If it then goes away, report back and we can perhaps figure out
> details. There are other things that can be done.
> --
> / Peter Schuller (@scode, http://worldmodscode.wordpress.com)

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