Great, will try 0.7.1 when it's ready.

(Bug I mentioned was already reported)

On 19/01/2012 13:15, Andrei Savu wrote:

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 7:58 PM, Rustam Aliyev < <>> wrote:

    Hi Andrei,

    As you know, we are using Whirr for ElasticInbox
    ( While
    testing we encountered a few minor problems which I think could be
    improved. Note that we were using 0.6 (there were some strange bug
    in 0.7, maybe fixed already).

Please report any bugs you've found in 0.7. We are preparing a 0.7.1 release to address them.

    Although initial_token is pre-calculated to form balanced cluster,
    our tests cluster (4 nodes) was always unbalanced. There were no
    initial_token specified (just default).

We are now computing the value for initial_token - the cluster should be balanced with the trunk version.

    Second note is AWS specific - for the performance reasons it's
    better to store data files on ephemeral drive. Currently data
    stored under default location (/var/...)

I think you can work around this by selecting an instance-store AMI.

    Thanks for the great work!


    On 18/01/2012 13:00, Andrei Savu wrote:
    Hi guys,

    I just want to the let you know that  Apache Whirr trunk (the
    upcoming 0.7.1 release) can deploy Cassandra 1.0.7 on AWS EC2 &
    Rackspace Cloud.

    You can give it a try by running the following commands:

    And the last thing we would appreciate any suggestions on
    improving the deployment scripts or on improving Whirr.


    -- Andrei Savu / <>

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