I'm also a beginner,
Really not sure if the source code is really necessary for eclipse IDE 
If you want to get it from GIT - get a git client, and rest all is kinda 
similar to SVN.

Kuldeep singh

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From: dir dir [mailto:sikerasa...@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 12:16 AM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org <user@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Integration Error between Cassandra and Eclipse

I am also beginner user in cassandra. Honestly I wonder, if we can download
binary installer from  http://cassandra.apache.org/download/  but why we have to
check out from: svn http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cassandra/trunk/ 
cassandra-trunk ??

What is the deference between them?  Can we perform cassandra installation 
by using binary installer in http://cassandra.apache.org/download/ without have 
check out from svn?? Can we integrate cassandra and eclipse IDE without have to
perform ant generate-eclipse-files ??

If cassandra project have already moved from svn to git, would you tell me how 
check out cassandra project from git, please??

Thank you.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Yuki Morishita 
<mor.y...@gmail.com<mailto:mor.y...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Also note that Cassandra project switched to git from svn.
See "Source control" section of http://cassandra.apache.org/download/ .



Yuki Morishita

On Thursday, January 5, 2012 at 7:59 PM, Maki Watanabe wrote:

Sorry, ignore my reply.
I had same result with import. ( 1 error in unit test code & many warnings )

2012/1/6 Maki Watanabe 
How about to use "File->Import..." rather than "File->New Java Project"?

After extracting the source, ant build, and ant generate-eclipse-files:
1. File->Import...
2. Choose "Existing Project into workspace..."
3. Choose your source directory as root directory and then push "Finish"

2012/1/6 bobby saputra <zaibat...@gmail.com<mailto:zaibat...@gmail.com>>:
Hi There,

I am a beginner user in Cassandra. I hear from many people said Cassandra is
a powerful database software which is used by Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc.
So I feel interesting to study more about Cassandra.

When I performed integration process between Cassandra with Eclipse IDE (in
this case I use Java as computer language), I get trouble and have many
I have already followed all instruction from
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/RunningCassandraInEclipse, but this
tutorial was not working properly. I got a lot of errors and warnings while
creating Java project in eclipse.

These are the errors and warnings:

Error(X) (1 item):
Description Resource  Location
The method rangeSet(Range<T>...) in the type Range is not applicable for the
arguments (Range[]) RangeTest.java line 178

Warnings(!) (100 of 2916 items):
Description Resource Location
AbstractType is a raw type. References to generic type AbstractType<T>
should be parameterized AbstractColumnContainer.java line 72
(and many same warnings)

These are what i've done:
1. I checked out cassandra-trunk from given link using SlikSvn as svn
2. I moved to cassandra-trunk folder, and build with ant using "ant build"
3. I generate eclipse files with ant using "ant generate-eclipse-files"
4. I create new java project on eclipse, insert project name with
"cassandra-trunk", browse the location into cassandra-trunk folder.

Do I perform any mistakes? Or there are something wrong with the tutorial in
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/RunningCassandraInEclipse ??

I have already googling to find the solution to solve this problem, but
I found no results. Would you want to help me by giving me a guide how to
this problem? Please....

Thank you very much for your help.

Best Regards,
Wira Saputra



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