Yes you can do a rolling restart. For more info on the counters architecture 
see the presentation here


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 20/12/2011, at 10:10 PM, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

> By the way, I wonder if a rolling restart is still possible when I am using 
> counters ? Don't we lose the SPOF too, considering that counters are wrong 
> every time we retry to write them with the client ?
> 2011/12/16 Alain RODRIGUEZ <>
> Can we have a hope that counters will be replayed as safely as a classical 
> data someday ? Do someone still work on jiras like 
> ? I thought that replaying a 
> write from the client didn't lead to over-counts contrary to the internal 
> cassandra replay from commitlog.
> I just made a new connection pool with retries / 2 and timeouts * 4. I hope 
> it will improve the accuracy of my counters.
> Anyways, thank you for answering that fast.
> Alain 
> 2011/12/16 Tyler Hobbs <>
> Probably quite a few of them are coming from automatic retries by phpcassa.  
> When working with counters, I recommend minimizing retries and/or increasing 
> timeouts.  Usually this means you want to use a separate connection pool with 
> different settings just for counters.
> By the way, this advice applies to other clients as well.
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Alain RODRIGUEZ <> wrote:
> Hi everybody.
> I'm using a lot of counters to make statistics on a 4 nodes cluster (ec2 
> m1.small) with phpcassa (cassandra v1.0.2).
> I store some events and increment counters at the same time.
> Counters give me over-counts compared with the count of every corresponding 
> events.
> I sure that my non-counters counts are good.
> I'm not sure why these over-counts happen, but I heard that recovering from 
> commitlogs can produce this.
> I have some timeouts on phpcassa which are written in my apache logs while a 
> compaction is running. However I am always able to write at Quorum, so I 
> guess I shouldn't have to recover from cassandra commitlogs. 
> Where can these over-counts come from ?
> Alain
> -- 
> Tyler Hobbs
> DataStax

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