Tuning garbage colletion is really hard. Espescially if you do not know why 
garbage collection stalls.
In general I must say I have never seen a software which shipped with such a 
good garbage collection configuration as Cassandra.

The thing that looks suspiscious is that the major collections appear regularly 
in 1 hour intervals.
The only software I know of is RMI explicit collections (which I am not certain 
Cassandra uses)

You could avoid those with
In the Cassandra start script

But I assume that Cassandra itself makes use of explicit gc  as well so this 
might have some nasty side effects.
Unless someone tells you never to do that on Cassandra I would go for a try and 
see what happens. Keep flushes and deletions of sstables on your mind though, 
they are somehow tied to gc I think.

Another option (if it is RMI) is to make the RMI full gc threshold larger for 
timeouts to occur less often.

The number is ms until a gc is triggered.

Anyway.. same warning as before applies


Von: Rene Kochen [mailto:rene.koc...@emea.schange.com]
Gesendet: Montag, 19. Dezember 2011 16:35
An: user@cassandra.apache.org
Betreff: Garbage collection freezes cassandra node

I recently see the following garbage collect behavior in our performance tests 
(the attached chart shows the heap-size in MB):


During the garbage collections, Cassandra freezes for about ten seconds. I 
observe the following log entries:

"GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 11597 ms for 1 collections, 1887933144 used; max 
is 8550678528"

I use Windows Server 2008 and Cassandra 0.7.10 with min and max heap size set 
to 8 GB.

What can I do to make Cassandra not freeze? Just allocate more memory?



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