In general, write is faster than read in Cassandra.


On 2011/12/13, at 13:54, Waqar Azeem <> wrote:

> Hi,
> 'threads' are nested in a 'forum', therefore, I decided to create a 
> column-family 'thread' with a column named 'parent'.
> Is this idea matched with Cassandra philosophy? Because I feel that 
> extracting the data recursively is computational hungry for a site like 
> Therefore one idea is to put the complete data in a JSON and store it in a 
> single column. I hope the retrieval would be fast but the only glitch is; 
> writing/inserting the data back to the Cassandra. Would it be time consuming?
> --
> Thanks & Best Regards,
> Waqar Azeem
> P.S. My email to dev@cass is bounce back with a message 'This email inbox is 
> not ...'. Please ignore if i have made any mistake.

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