Hello, Jeesoo.

I was investigating it exactly.

It means,when RPC service does not return a status
for a defined period of time,
the value is incremented.

The Drop is assumed that,
there is a possibility that distribution node is completed processing,
and there is a possibility of having failed.

So, I recommend checking the data on a distribution node.

** I hope tomorrow will be a good day **

              Tomita Kazutaka

mailto : tomitakazut...@intheforest.jp
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2011/11/17 Jeesoo Shin <bsh...@gmail.com>:
> Hello.
> I'm using cassandra 0.8.6
> with nodetool tpstats, dropped statistics are shown.
> when drop happens... what can I do?
> are there ways to turn on debug messages or to look into?
> thanks.

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