I think you can but I am not sure, I haven't tried that yet, Nothing harm
in keeping value also it will be read in single query only.

In 2nd case, yes 2 or more query required to get specific user details. As
username is map to user_id's key(unique like UUID) and user_id key store
actual details.

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Aditya Narayan <ady...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Regarding the first option that you suggested through composite columns,
> can I store the username & id both in the column name and keep the column
> valueless?
> Will I be able to retrieve both the username and id from the composite col
> name ?
> Thanks a lot
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Aditya Narayan <ady...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Got the first option that you suggested.
>> However, In the second one, are you suggested to use, for e.g,
>> key='Marcos' & store cols, for all users of that name, containing userId
>> inside that row. That way it would have to read multiple rows while user is
>> doing a single search.
>> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 10:47 AM, samal <samalgo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  > I need to add 'search users' functionality to my application. (The
>>>>> trigger for fetching searched items(like google instant search) is made
>>>>> when 3 letters have been typed in).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > For this, I make a CF with String type keys. Each such key is made
>>>>> of first 3 letters of a user's name.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thus all names starting with 'Mar-' are stored in single row (with
>>>>> key="Mar").
>>>>> > The column names are framed as remaining letters of the names. Thus,
>>>>> a name 'Marcos' will be stored within rowkey "Mar" & col name "cos". The 
>>>>> id
>>>>> will be stored as column value. Since there could be many users with same
>>>>> name. Thus I would have multple userIds(of users named "Marcos") to be
>>>>> stored inside columnname "cos" under key "Mar". Thus,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 1. Supercolumn seems to be a better fit for my use case(so that ids
>>>>> of users with same name may fit as sub-columns inside a super-column) but
>>>>> since supercolumns are not encouraged thus I want to use an alternative
>>>>> schema for this usecase if possible. Could you suggest some ideas on this 
>>>>> ?
>>>>> >
>>> Aditya,
>>> Have you any given thought on Composite columns [1]. I think it can help
>>> you solve your problem of multiple user with same name.
>>> mar:{
>>>   {cos,unique_user_id}:unique_user_id,
>>>   {cos,1}:1,
>>>   {cos,2}:2,
>>>   {cos,3}:3,
>>> //  {utf8,timeUUID}:timeUUID,
>>> }
>>> OR
>>> you can try wide rows indexing user name to ID's
>>> marcos{
>>>    user1:' ',
>>>    user2:' ',
>>>    user3:' '
>>> }
>>> [1]http://www.slideshare.net/edanuff/indexing-in-cassandra

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