It would work if you could use LOCAL_QUORUM in each independent data center, 
but with EACH_QUORUM the whole read/write operation would block until a quorum 
was reached in each data center. This would be particularly bad if using a 
single replica in the "backup" data center and it was unavailable (the 
read/write would fail). 

Unfortunately , I can't think of another solution with Cassandra itself. You 
could use some sort of client side queueing and keep the two clusters separated 
completely. This would probably add quite a bit of complexity to your app... 

Robert Jackson 
----- Original Message -----

| From: "A J" <>
| To:
| Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 12:20:52 PM
| Subject: Re: Continuous export of data out of database

| The issue with that is that I wish to have EACH_QUORUM in our other 2
| datacenters but not in the third DC.
| Could not figure a way to accomplish that so exploring have a
| near-realtime backup copy in the third DC via some streaming process.

| On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Robert Jackson
| <> wrote:
| > The thing that I thought if initially would be setting up your
| > cluster in a
| > multi-datacenter config[1]. In that scenario you could add an
| > additional
| > machine in a second datacenter with RF=1. We are using a variant of
| > this
| > setup to separate long running calculations from our interactive
| > systems.
| > [1] -
| >
| >
| > Robert Jackson
| > ________________________________

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