
yes, the heap size is set to 2GB on all nodes. Without any activity, the heap 
usage is less than 1GB. Does this include the bloom filters?

From the logs I can see that at the beginning of the test the GC is able to 
free enough memory to push the heap usage to 1GB or less. However, then a lot 
of ParNew collections kick in and over time the full collections are able to 
free less and less memory while more ReadStage's are pending. Here are some 

INFO 09:12:59,425 GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 2218 ms for 1 collections, 
1313717752 used; max is 2120679424

INFO 09:13:23,461 GC for ParNew: 408 ms for 2 collections, 1618154920 used; max 
is 2120679424
 INFO 09:13:24,463 GC for ParNew: 543 ms for 1 collections, 1754222312 used; 
max is 2120679424
 INFO 09:13:26,318 GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 1332 ms for 1 collections, 
732093216 used; max is 2120679424
 INFO 09:13:26,318 Pool Name                    Active   Pending   Blocked
 INFO 09:13:26,319 ReadStage                         1         1         0

INFO 09:13:44,490 GC for ParNew: 479 ms for 2 collections, 1748301688 used; max 
is 2120679424
 INFO 09:13:48,314 GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 3596 ms for 1 collections, 
1818290728 used; max is 2120679424
 INFO 09:13:48,314 Pool Name                    Active   Pending   Blocked
 INFO 09:13:48,315 ReadStage                         5         5         0

 WARN 09:13:48,351 Heap is 0.8574095204688514 full.  You may need to reduce 
memtable and/or cache sizes.  Cassandra will now flush up to the two largest 
memtables to free up memory.  Adjust flush_largest_memtables_at threshold in 
cassandra.yaml if you don't want Cassandra to do this automatically
 INFO 09:13:48,352 Unable to reduce heap usage since there are no dirty column 
 INFO 09:13:53,277 GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 4530 ms for 1 collections, 
2013473672 used; max is 2120679424
 INFO 09:13:53,277 Pool Name                    Active   Pending   Blocked
 INFO 09:13:53,277 ReadStage                         7         7         0

This was with multiple concurrent reads from the same row. 

I'm not doing any writes right now, so changing the memtable size won't have 
any effect.


On 09.11.2011, at 23:02, Peter Schuller wrote:

> Ah, you have two CF:s. And my mistake was that I accidentally treated
> bits as bytes ;)
> My calc is that the bloom filter sizes per node for you should be
> about 1.8-1.9 GB. If you haven't touched heap size, IIRC the default
> is still going to be 2GB for your 4 GB machine (not sure, please
> confirm if it matters). That might be consistent with what you're
> seeing; BF:s taking almost all of available heap size, so pretty easy
> to cause OOM:s by throwing traffic on it.
> -- 
> / Peter Schuller (@scode, http://worldmodscode.wordpress.com)

Dipl.-Inform. Günter Ladwig

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute AIFB

Englerstraße 11 (Building 11.40, Room 250)
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Phone: +49 721 608-47946
Email: guenter.lad...@kit.edu
Web: www.aifb.kit.edu

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and National Large-scale 
Research Center of the Helmholtz Association

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