Hey GeekTalks/any other cassandra users around Mumbai/Pune,

I will be around Mumbai from last week of Nov through Third week of
December. I have actively used/deployed a couple of cassandra clusters
and a bunch of hadoop projects over the past year. I am keenly
interested in meeting any cassandra/hadoop users and sharing my
Do get in touch with me if any of you would like to host a meetup/user
group meeting.


On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Geek Talks <geektalks....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone interested joining in Apache Cassandra hangout/meetup nearby
> mumbai-pune area.
>  Share/teach your exp with Apache Cassandra, problems/issue you faced during
> deployment.
>  Excited and heard about its buzz, want to learn more about NoSQL cassandra.
> Regards,
> GeekTalks

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