You could use composite columns.For example,

      composite(listname:listindex) : value

A simple get_range would give you access to list as you would normally
have in any programming language, and a "get" could give you direct
access to any index.
Obviously, this would not be a good fit for list which need insertion
at a specific index or reordering...

2011/11/11 Yan Chunlu <>:
> I thought currently no one is maintaining supercolumns related code, and
> also it not quite efficient.
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Radim Kolar <> wrote:
>> Dne 11.11.2011 5:58, Yan Chunlu napsal(a):
>>> I think cassandra is doing great job on key-value data store, it saved me
>>> tremendous work on maintain the data consistency and service availability.
>>>  But I think it would be great if it could support more data structures such
>>> as key-list, currently I am using key-value save the list, it seems not very
>>> efficiency. Redis has a good point on this but it is not easy to scale.
>>> Maybe it is a wrong place and wrong question, only curious if there is
>>> already solution about this, thanks a lot!
>> use supercolumns unless your lists are very large.

Filipe Gonçalves

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