what about keeping a record per device and recording there that you've seen
it, and only incrementing the counters (or a different set of counters)
based on that?

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Philippe <watche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, I'd like to get some ideas on how to model counting uniques with
> cassandra.
> My use-case is that I have various counters that I increment based on data
> received from multiple devices. I'd like to be able to know if at least X
> unique devices contributed to a counter value.
> I've thought of the idea of building a key per counter and then using
> columns whose name would be the device ids but it might grow very very
> large and I don't see how to prune it effeciently.
> Any ideas ?
> Thanks

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